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EZOfficeInventory Blogs Fuzzy List Asset Tracking Software

[How-to] Use Fuzzy Lists with Asset Tracking Software


You can use our asset tracking software to create Fuzzy Lists for streamlined equipment management. Think of these lists as dynamic reference points when reserving or checking out carts in EZO.

When Would I Use a Fuzzy List?

A Fuzzy List is great for scenarios where you want to add a broad ‘category’ of items to a cart. You can draw up a list for reference, and come back to the cart and populate it with specific items as needed. This makes it a great placeholder system when facilitating equipment checkouts at your organization.

A Note on Reservations

You can’t reserve or check out an empty cart in EZO. However, a cart that is empty, with items listed down in a Fuzzy List, can be reserved. This is so that you can come back and add specific items to it later on without needing to change the reservation period. However, since Fuzzy Lists are for reference only, the items from the Fuzzy List will not be ‘reserved’ until they are added to the cart itself.

1. Creating a Fuzzy List

1) To start, Go to Settings → Add Ons → Fuzzy List â†’ Enabled.

2) Next, go to the Cart detail page by clicking the cart icon highlighted in yellow below:

3) You can now click ‘Create Fuzzy List’ beneath the Recommended Items bar.

4) This will prompt an overlay where you can begin to populate your Fuzzy List. Click â€˜Add Another Item’ to add more item types, and the ‘Delete’ icon to delete them. As shown below, you can fill in 4 different Item Types:

i) Asset: You can add the specific item you want for this Fuzzy List. For example, Asset #2, which is a Dell Lap Top.

ii) Asset (Advanced): This allows you to add a fixed number of assets with specific properties to the list. These can be assets having the same name, belonging to a certain group, or having the same model number.

iii) Asset Stock: You can add a fixed quantity of an asset stock to the Fuzzy List.

iv) Inventory: Similarly, you can add a set number of an inventory item to your list.

5) When you’re done with the list, click ‘Add’ to get things going. Click on the Fuzzy List tab on the Cart detail page to see a list of items and quantities.

2. Populating the Cart Using Your Fuzzy List

You can now use your Fuzzy List as a reference point for adding items to the cart. Here, you see us adding the MRI Machine found on the list. Remember, the Fuzzy List is for reference only. This means that items are only reserved when you add them to a cart like below, and click on ‘Reserve Cart’ on the right.

The colored checklist icons next to an item on the Fuzzy List will turn from red to green once they’re added to the cart. You can see that in the example below, only 1 of the 2 items on the list have been added to the cart.

This is what a Fuzzy List should look like if all the items in it have been added to the Cart:

3. Other Actions on Fuzzy Lists

You can edit or remove your Fuzzy List by clicking the options highlighted in yellow below. Editing allows you to add or remove items or quantities on your list, and removing a list will do away with it entirely.

And that’s all you need to know about creating Fuzzy Lists for reference using our asset tracking software!

Have feedback about our asset tracking software?

Like all newly-released features at EZO, we look forward to your feedback on improving our asset tracking software so that it adds greater value to your operations.

For more assistance, drop us an email at support@ezo.io.

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