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EZOfficeInventory FAQS How Is The Limit On Number Of Items For A Subscription Package Calculated

How is the limit on number of items for a subscription package calculated

Depending on your subscription package, you’ll have a limit on how many items you can track. This limit is a sum of Assets, Asset Stock and Inventory.

Assets: All active assets are counted towards the package limit. This does not include the retired assets.

Asset Stock: All Asset Stock records count towards the package limit. The quantity of each record is not taken into account. For example, if you have 3 asset stocks (chairs, tables and platter), your Asset Stock count is 3. Now chairs for example can have 1,000 stock quantity and it won’t contribute to the package limit.

Inventory: All Inventory records count towards the package limit. The quantity of each record is not taken into account. For example, if you have 5 inventory items (juice box, pens, notepads, sticky paper, and erasers), your Inventory count is 5. The juice box (and other items) can have 10,000 stock quantity and it won’t contribute to the package limit.