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Get Instant Access To Key Business Intelligence: Add Graphs And Tables To Dashboard

Get Instant Access To Key Business Intelligence: Add Graphs And Tables To Dashboard

To enable quick and easy visualization of your data, AssetSonar has now introduced the capability to generate graphs from Custom Reports and then export them to your Dashboard.

With these graphs on your Dashboard for easy viewing, you are able to get instant visibility into your operations and processes. Instead of navigating through your Custom Reports, you can pin these graphs on Dashboard so you can see the visual data right when you sign into the app. You can catch up on the latest updates and data trends quickly by exporting these Custom Reports graphs.


  1. Generating a Custom Report
  2. Creating a Graph
  3. Add Graph to Dashboard
  4. Add Table to Dashboard

Step 1: Generating a Custom Report

Generating a Custom Report

You can start by generating a custom report as per your requirements. In this case, we have generated a report for all Items for the Group Module.

Step 2: Creating a graph

Once you have generated your custom report, click on Generate Graph and you would be able to create a Graph by selecting the desired horizontal and vertical axis. The graph would resemble the one shown below:

Creating a graph 1

Here we have generated a graph with items state as horizontal axis and records count as vertical axis. Click on the save button and enter your Report’s name. You get an option to save your Graph along with the Report.

Creating a graph 2

Once you hit the Save button, a new page would appear with an ‘Add to Dashboard’ button.
Creating a graph 3

Step 3: Add Graph to Dashboard

Another way to add a Graph to the Dashboard is to approach it directly from the Dashboard. Go to the Dashboard, and click on the Edit button and then click on Add/Edit Widgets button.

Add Graph to Dashboard  1

A new pop-up will appear and from the bottom left of that pop-up, you can select the ‘Add graphs from Custom Reports’ option.
Add Graph to Dashboard 2

Once you click it, another overlay will appear from where you can select a Report to add to the Dashboard. In this case, we will choose the previously saved Items Report.

Add Graph to Dashboard 3

If you don’t have any saved reports, you can also create a new report from the Add/Edit Widgets button.

Add Graph to Dashboard 4

Once you have added the Report to the Dashboard, it would look like this:

Add Graph to Dashboard 5

Step 4: Add Table to Dashboard

Similar to adding Graphs, you can also pin Custom Report Tables to your Dashboard. Go to Dashboard → Edit → Add/Edit Widgets → Add graph or table from Custom Reports.

Add Table to Dashboard 1

A new window will appear from which you can choose a Custom Report. Clicking on the Table option will allow you to export it to the dashboard.

You can also choose the columns that you want to be displayed on the table.

Add Table to Dashboard 2

You can also choose the columns that you want to be displayed on the table.

Note: You cannot remove the columns that are crucial for creating that report (columns on which the grouping is applied).

Add Table to Dashboard 3

After selecting the desired columns for your table, hit Add and the table will be pinned to your dashboard.

Note: If a column is removed from the main report, the same column in the table widget would also be removed after you have refreshed the dashboard. Similarly, if you add new columns to your report, the changes would be reflected in the table on your dashboard.

You can also add the Report Table by going to the Navigation Menu → Reports → Custom Reports → Add to Dashboard.

Add Table to Dashboard 4

The table on the dashboard would appear on your screen like this:

Add Table to Dashboard 5

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