Busy rental businesses often need to quickly check item availability for fast conflict-free reservations. During hectic operational hours, going through Item Detail pages to check the availability of required items can be a waste of time and employee productivity.
You can now check Asset, Asset stock, and Inventory status directly from the top navigation bar via the new Check Availability button. Simply enter an Item’s name, identification number, or scan the Item’s barcode to quickly check its availability and add to an Order right from the dashboard.
Here’s how you can set it up.
Search for Items
To get started from the Dashboard, click on the highlighted icon on the top menu bar.

An overlay will appear asking you to enter the Item you want to search for. Here you can enter any Asset, Asset Stock, or Inventory Item.
Note: The To and From Date cannot be in the past. Users can only search for an Item in the future.
When you search for an Asset, availability will be shown in three ways:
Available :
Not Available:
Note: The status of overdue items depends on the settings selected in the Availability of Overdue Items under Company Settings.
For Asset Stock and Inventory, the search will display the quantity available to Checkout:
Actions in Check Availability
From the Check Availability button, you can go directly go to the Item details page, add Items to purchase orders, and add to Orders. Â
1. Go to Item Details Page:Â
For any Item in Check Availability, you can directly go to the Items details page from the Go to Item button:Â
2. Adding Assets to an Order
In addition to this, you can add the Item directly to an Order by clicking the Add to Order button. An overlay will appear asking you to select an existing purchase order or create a new one:
If you need to create a new Order, you can click New Order. Another overlay will appear asking you to add customerÂ
After choosing the customer, you can click Create Order. The first overlay to Add Items will be filled with Order detailsÂ
Clicking the Add button will take you to the Items details page and a message as below will appear:Â
3. Adding Asset Stock and Inventory to an Order
Adding Asset stock or Inventory will require that you add quantity, stock location, and price.
After adding the details, you can add Asset stock or Inventory to an existing or a new Order
Adding Items to Purchase Orders
You can add also Items directly to existing or new purchase orders.
Clicking the Add to PO button will ask you to add the item to an existing purchase order or create a new purchase order.
Add the Item to an existing purchase order and click Add as below:
Adding the Item to a new purchase order will open an overlay to add vendor and create a new purchase order:
Once you click create, your item will be added to a new purchase order.
About EZRentOut
EZRentOut, a cloud-based equipment rental software can help. EZRentOut offers companies in numerous industries seamless rental management along with a host of other features. You can integrate your website with our EZR plug to keep track of all your rental Assets and operations.