It’s been an intense winter this year! Hope your town wasn’t hit hard by major blizzards this February. We’re sending some ‘Espresso Shots’ your way to keep you warm for the rest of this winter. Here is what you get in this release.

AUTHORIZE.NET INTEGRATION: Your customers can pay online using a credit card. To enable credit card payments, you first need to sign up for a merchant gateway. We now support Authorize.net, in addition to the previously supported Paypal and Stripe. To get started, have a look at Settings -> Add-Ons -> Authorize.net. Make sure to have your customers set up for logging into EZRentOut (Customers -> Edit a customer -> select ‘Enable customer to log in)

SUPER-CHARGED AVAILABILITY CALENDAR: The availability calendar has been enhanced for increased productivity. Slice and dice through the items shown on the calendar by using the search bar on the top left. It enables you to focus on items required for a particular order. After glancing through what’s available for a rental duration, you can instantly add items to orders by using the cart icon in front of the item name, model number or group name.

DOCUMENTS AND IMAGES LIBRARY: All images and documents in your account are now placed at a central location. Any file that you upload to an item or a group gets added to the library. You can also add files directly to the library, which supports uploading multiple files in one go. You can then attach pictures or documents from the library to an item or group. It also enables reuse of the same file multiple times. Have a look at Items -> Documents to explore further.
– Dashboard Calendar now shows booking events in addition to the order returns
– Asset Stock import (via Excel) functionality has been added
– Bundles can now be quickly added to an order right from the order detail page. Simply type in the bundle name in ‘Add Items’ field
– Low Stock report has been added for inventory items
– Excel import functionality has been improved to better handle large files
Work on Builders’ Creed has started. We’re aiming to have the release by the end of this month or start of April. In Builders’ Creed we’re upgrading our infrastructure to provide next generation experience and speed. We’re also enhancing the mobile experience.
Do send your feedback at support@ezo.io.