Damaged items are a common concern for rental businesses. Depending on the value of the item and the extent of damage, it can be a significant cost for businesses. Not to mention the time and resources you put into repairs. EZRentOut already allows you to charge customers for any damages on their entire order. With our new feature – Line Item Damages – you can now charge customers for damages on an item level.
For example, let’s assume there’s an order that contains two assets: Nikon D3500 and a spare rechargeable battery. When the customer returns the order, the camera is slightly damaged. Our new feature enables you to charge damages only on this particular item and not the entire Order.
Additionally, you can also specify the reason for the damage, the number of items damaged in case of Asset Stock and the amount you want to charge.
Let’s dive deeper to further understand the feature.
1. Enable the feature
2. Charge damages on item level
2.1. For Assets
2.2. For Asset Stock
3. View relevant columns for Line Item Damages
4. Reports for all damaged items
5. Printout templates for line item damages
1. Enable the feature
To enable the feature, go to Settings → Add Ons → Damaged Items and click ‘Enabled’. Scroll down and click ‘Update’ to save the changes.
2. Charge damages on item level
2.1. For Assets
To charge damages, go to the Orders tab and click on the particular Order you want. From the Orders Details page, click on More and select the ‘Charge Damages’ button from the drop down menu.
This opens the following overlay, where you can choose whether you want to charge damages for the entire Order or for separate items in the Order:
To charge damages for a specific item in the Order, choose the ‘Charge Damages by Item’ checkbox. This opens the following overlay:
Here, you can choose which item from the Order you want to charge damages against. In the case displayed above, since only the LED Screen is damaged, select this particular item. Next, enter the amount of damage fee and the reason for damage. Once you’re done, click ‘Charge’ to apply the damages.
Note: In case you want to remove any of the damages from the Order, you have to open the damages overlay displayed above and uncheck the entry you want to remove.
2.2. For Asset Stock
For Asset Stock, specify the quantity of items damaged, as shown below:
Suppose you rented out 19 round tables camera lenses and 10 were broken when returned. Enter 10 in the ‘Damaged Quantity’ field for Asset Stock and click ‘Charge’.
3. View relevant columns for Line Item Damages
If you want to view the relevant columns on the Orders Details page, scroll down the page and click on the pen icon as highlighted below:
This opens the following overlay, where you can add a new column and choose from the two highlighted options related to charging damages:
4. Reports for all damaged items
Generate a report of all damaged items, so you have a list of all the items you need to send out for maintenance. Now go to Reports → Custom Report and follow these steps:
1. Choose the Orders module from the dropdown menu in Step 1.
2. From the list of related modules, choose Order Line Items.
3. In Step 2 you have to choose the columns you want to include in the report. Here, you can choose the following columns related to line item damages:
4. In Steps 3 and 4, you can also apply filters and group items by the following options related to line item damages:
Here’s a visual of what this report looks like once you run the report:
5. Printout templates for line item damages
When printing an invoice for Orders, you can also customize the template to add columns for damage fee and damage reason. Go to Printout Templates → Order tab → Invoice templates and choose the template you wish to edit. Next, from the Order Line Items section of the report, click the ‘+Add’ button to open the following overlay:
From here, you can choose the highlighted columns relevant to line item damages. Once you create and run the template, here’s a visual of these columns you’ve just added:
Have any questions?
EZRentOut is the leading equipment rental software used by SMBs all over the globe.
For more assistance, drop us an email at support@ezo.io.