Keeping track of all your Assets spread across various locations can be a real hassle and a time-consuming process. For better location barcode management, EZRentOut enables you to add and track different locations in a more efficient manner.
Furthermore, with an effective location barcode management system in place, you can also keep up with complex location labeling practices.
An example of this is warehouses or storage facilities that often have very comprehensive ID systems. The ID 20.101.898.2.59 could, for instance, indicate warehouse # 20, aisle # 101, rack # 898, stack # 2 and the position # 59.
With the help of our location barcode management system, you can now scan these complex location IDs to track the exact Asset you need. With it, the entire process takes next to no time!
Read More: What do the different locations in EZRentOut mean?
Let’s dive into EZRentOut’s location barcode management process to discuss what you can expect from this feature and all that it has to offer.
1. Identification Number
2. Relevant Settings for Location Barcode Management
3. Search Function
4. Importing Location Data
5. Generating Reports
1. Identification Number
To make it easier for you to identify Locations, you can add Identification Numbers to Locations in EZRentOut. You can do this either when you first create the Location, or by editing it at a later time.
To edit the Location, go to Locations → Location Name → Edit and the following display will appear:
The ‘Identification Number’ is a unique identifier for a particular Location. Though it is an optional field, assigning one to each Location makes it easier to track the Location.
Once you enter the number, it can be printed and scanned like a barcode, as mentioned in the snapshot above. This makes it easier for you to obtain information about a particular location from your system as you require.
The ‘Identification Number’ will also show up on the Locations Detail Page, right under the name of the Location.
Notice the ‘Sequence Number’ just under the ‘Identification Number’, denoting Austin as ‘Location # 3’. This makes it much easier to track your Locations. It also enables you to find similarly-named Locations quicker.
The ‘Sequence Number’ is also shown in the URL of that particular Location. For example, https://xyzcompany.ezrentout.com/locations/3 will direct you to the Austin Location page for this account.
2. Relevant settings for Location Barcode Management
To start using this feature, you must go to Settings → Company Settings → Location Field Format, and choose either of the two options shown below. Here, we’ve chosen the Search Lookup option:
Once you select from the two options, you’re all set to use Location IDs and scan Location barcodes.
3. Search Function
When anyone needs to Rent Out or Return an item, you can simply use ‘@’ to bring up a Location by its ‘Identification Number’. Moreover, you can also use the ‘#’ to search by the ‘Sequence Number’.
4. Importing Location Data
Not only can you add new Locations with the help of an Excel import, but you can also update existing Locations. To do so, simply go to Locations → Import From Excel Sheet → Update Existing Locations.
You can also use the ‘Sequence Number’ or the ‘Identification Number’ to map a Location to one that already exists in the system.
Read More: Adding Multiple Shipping and Pickup Locations in EZRentOut
5. Generating Reports
You can also generate a list of all your different locations, under the name of the Locations List Report. This list includes both the ‘Sequence Number’ and the ‘Identification Number’ of all Locations, helping you get more precise data each time.
Read More: How To Generate Custom Reports in EZRentOut?
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