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EZOfficeInventory FAQS How To Restrict Users To Checkout Items With Conflicting Reservation Dates

How to restrict users to checkout items with conflicting reservation dates?

You can restrict a user from checking out items with conflicting reservation dates. With the setting enabled to ensure no reservation date conflicts, go to Settings –> Company Settings –> Reservations –> Enable setting for Items (Asset, Asset Stock, Inventory).

Restricting users to checkout: With this setting enabled, a user can neither checkout or create reservations on items with another conflicting reservation.

How does this work? On the ‘Checkout’ form, you’ll see a checkbox for ‘Ignore conflicting reservations’.

With this checkbox enabled, admins can checkout items with conflicting reservation dates.

For reservations, an error message will show up if the items have any conflict with other reservations.

For the above to play out, you must enable the setting in Company Settings > Reservations.