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EZOfficeInventory FAQS Audit Or Verify Items

How do I audit/verify items in store/with someone

A – Asking folks to go to a warehouse/location and do a count
1) Pick a date for doing the count
2) Say James Franco takes LA main warehouse and Jennifer Lawrence takes SF main warehouse.
3) James goes to LA and scans all items in the warehouse (in batches of 25), using the mobile app
4) After scanning, from Actions -> Edit -> location, the location can be updated to LA. This is not a required step but will help sanitize the data i.e. assets for which you’ve not recorded LA as location (but they are there) will now correctly show LA against them
5) Jennifer does the same for SF
6) From Reports -> Asset Reports -> Asset Scans, set the date you had picked for doing the counts
7) Toggle between Scanned and Not Scanned to see which items have been verified (scanned) and which ones were not (not scanned)


B – Asking folks to verify possession for the items checked out to them
1) Say some assets are checked out to James Franco
2) You can filter the assets to get to assets that are checked out to him. Items -> Assets -> Filter -> In Custody of -> James Franco
3) Then select these assets to request an audit. Actions -> Request Verification
4) James will receive an email asking him to verify possession of the the items in his custody
5) At any point in time, you can filter assets by Verification Pending to resend the verification request (poke the guys again)
6) You can also go to Reports -> Asset Reports -> Asset Custody and toggle between verified and not verified records
7) You can make it mandatory for staff to ALWAYS scan the label to verify possession. This is a setting under Settings -> Company Settings -> Custody Verification
Tip: You can increase the page size to show 100 records (Your name at top right -> Settings -> My Settings -> Records per page)