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EZOfficeInventory FAQS How To Enable Two Step Authentication For My Ezofficeinventory Account

How to enable Two-Factor Authentication for my EZOfficeInventory account?

Two-Factor Authentication is a useful feature that adds another layer of security to your EZOfficeInventory account and restricts third-party access. This keeps your valuable data secure by allowing only authorized log-ins. Here’s a step by step guide for enabling Two-Factor authentication:

  1. Go to Company Settings→ Authentication→  Select Email and Password → Choose Two-Factor AuthenticationHit the update button.
  2. To confirm if the Two-Factor Authentication has been enabled, sign in to your EZOfficeInventory account using your registered email and password .
  3. Enter  the One-time verification code into the following field (as shown in the image below) sent on your registered email address. The maximum time to use the verification code is 3 mins. The option to resend the verification code will appear after 1 min if you are unable to receive the code.
  4. Enter the One-Time password received on your email address and successfully log in to your EZOfficeInventory accountWhat if I am unable to access the verification code? In case you have lost access to your registered email address or have forgotten your password you can follow these steps:
  5. Ask your administrator to disable the Two Step Authentication for you using their account. 
  6. They can do so by clicking on Members→Selecting the User name → More → Choosing Temporarily Disable Two FactorThis will temporarily disable the Two-Factor Authentication feature for you for 30 mins. Now you can access your account easily.