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EZRentOut Blogs Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary for Importing Items to EZRentOut

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Data dictionary for Importing Items

When importing your CSV data to EZRentOut, you need to map the columns to the appropriate fields available in EZRentOut. This comprehensive data dictionary helps break down the various fields in our application so you can carry out hassle-free imports.


1. Assets
2. Asset Stock
3. Inventory
4. Vendors
5. Locations
6. Customers & Businesses

1. Assets

All items that you wish to rent out and track individually are categorized as Assets in EZRentOut. Examples of Assets include forklifts, laptops, cameras, etc.

Field Name
Data FormatChar Limit
1st bracket (in Advanced Pricing)Advanced Pricing features tiered rental rates based on the rental duration. Each bracket is a time period with its distinct rental rate. The 1st bracket is the first rental rate applied e.g. $70 charged per day between 0 to 2 days.NumericUnlimited
2nd bracket (in Advanced Pricing)Similar to 1st bracket, 2nd bracket is the second tier pricing e.g. $60 charged per day between 2 to 5 days.NumericUnlimited
3rd bracket (in Advanced Pricing)Similar to 1st bracket, 3rd bracket is the third tier pricing e.g. $55 per day for all days over 5.NumericUnlimited
4Advanced PricingThe option to apply Advanced Pricing to an Asset. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Assets following Advanced Pricing.Yes/NoN/A
Asset #A system-generated identifier for each Asset.NumericUnlimited
6Asset Identification NumberA unique identifier for a particular Asset, as assigned by the User. It can also be printed and scanned as part of a barcode.Alphanumeric255
Cost PriceThe amount of money spent to purchase an Asset.NumericUnlimited
8Daily RateThe fixed rental rate charged per day.NumericUnlimited
9DescriptionAny relevant information to elaborate on the Asset.AlphanumericUnlimited
10Display Picture URLThe option to add Asset images with the help of a media file URL (e.g. OneDrive or Dropbox). The URL should be ‘https’ protocol.AlphanumericUnlimited
11Document AttachmentsAny relevant documents associated with the Asset.N/AN/A
12GroupA collection of items with similar characteristics.Alphanumeric255
13Hidden on WebstoreThe option to hide a particular Asset from being displayed on the Webstore. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Assets that are to be hidden.Yes/NoN/A
14Hourly RateThe fixed rental rate charged per hour.NumericUnlimited
15Late Fee RateYou have to enter two values in this field. The first is the additional amount charged if an Asset is returned past its due date. The second is specifying whether you wish to charge the late fee at a flat or varying rate.AlphanumericUnlimited
16Location Identification NumberA unique identifier for a particular Location, as assigned by the User. It can also be printed and scanned as part of a barcode.Alphanumeric255
17Location NameThe name of the place where the Asset exists at the time of creation.Alphanumeric255
18Location #A system-generated identifier for each Location.NumericUnlimited
19Monthly RateThe fixed rental rate charged per month.NumericUnlimited
20NameSpecified name for the Asset.Alphanumeric255
21Per Minute RateThe fixed rental rate charged per minute.NumericUnlimited
22PO Identification NumberA unique identifier for a Purchase Order through which the Asset is purchased.Numeric255
23Product Model NumberAn Asset’s model number, specified by the manufacturer.Alphanumeric255
24Purchased OnThe date on which the Asset was purchased.MM/DD/YYN/A
25Rental Meter ThresholdThe rental meter tracks the elapsed time from the start of the rental period. Specify the Rental Meter Threshold to receive email alerts when rentals go past a designated duration.NumericUnlimited
26Restrict Document Access to AdminsThe option to make the uploaded Documents accessible only to Admins.Yes/NoN/A
27RetireThe option to classify Assets as retired. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Assets at the time of import.Yes/NoN/A
28Retire CommentsComments for retiring an Asset, e.g. detailed reasons or similar concerns.AlphanumericUnlimited
29Reason For RetiringReason for retiring an Asset from a list of predefined options.Multiple choiceN/A
30Retired OnThe date on which the Asset was retired.MM/DD/YYN/A
31Sale PriceThe price at which the Asset is to be sold.NumericUnlimited
32SubgroupA smaller set of similar items within a Group.Alphanumeric255
33Tax freeThe option to exempt tax collection while renting out an Asset. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Assets at the time of import.Yes/NoN/A
34Trackunit Serial NumberThis number identifies the GPS device used.AlphanumericUnlimited
35VendorThe individual or company that you purchased the Asset from.Alphanumeric255
36Weekly RateThe fixed rental rate charged per week.NumericUnlimited

2. Asset Stock

Asset Stock includes items that you rent out in bulk instead of individually. An example of Asset Stock will be 100 foldable wedding chairs. All these chairs are going to be rented out together, therefore tracking them individually becomes unnecessary.

Field Name
Data FormatChar Limit
11st bracket (in Advanced Pricing)Advanced Pricing a.k.a tier pricing features differential rental rates based on rental duration. Each bracket is a time period with a distinct rental rate. The 1st bracket is the first rental rate applied e.g. $70 charged per day between 0 to 2 days.NumericUnlimited
22nd bracket (in Advanced Pricing)Similar to 1st bracket, 2nd bracket is the second tier pricing e.g. $60 charged per day between 2 to 5 days.NumericUnlimited
33rd bracket (in Advanced Pricing)Similar to 1st bracket, 3rd bracket is the third tier pricing e.g. $55 per day for all days over 5.NumericUnlimited
4Advanced PricingThe option to apply Advanced Pricing to an Asset Stock. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Asset Stock following Advanced Pricing.Yes/NoN/A
5Asset Stock #A system-generated identifier for each Asset Stock.NumericUnlimited
6Asset Identification NumberA unique identifier for a particular Asset Stock, as assigned by the User. It can also be printed and scanned as part of a barcode.Alphanumeric255
7Daily RateThe fixed rental rate charged per day.NumericUnlimited
8DescriptionAny relevant information to elaborate on the Asset Stock.AlphanumericUnlimited
9Default Location NameThe name of the place where the Asset Stock exists at the time of creation.Alphanumeric255
10Default Location #A system-generated identifier for each Location.NumericUnlimited
11Display Picture URLThe option to add Asset Stock images with the help of a media file URL (e.g. OneDrive or Dropbox). The URL should be ‘https’ protocol.AlphanumericUnlimited
12Document AttachmentsAny relevant documents associated with the Asset Stock.N/AN/A
13GroupA collection of Items with similar characteristics.Alphanumeric255
14Hidden on WebstoreThe option to hide a particular Asset Stock from being displayed on the Webstore. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Asset Stock that is to be hidden.Yes/NoN/A
15Hourly RateThe fixed rental rate charged per hour.NumericUnlimited
16Late Fee RateYou have to enter two values in this field. The first is the additional amount charged if an Asset is returned past its due date. The second is specifying whether you wish to charge the late fee at a flat or varying rate.AlphanumericUnlimited
17Location Based ThresholdSpecified low stock threshold limit for the particular Location. Once the threshold is reached, an email alert will be sent out.NumericUnlimited
18Location Identification NumberA unique identifier for a particular Location, as assigned by the User. It can also be printed and scanned as part of a barcode.Alphanumeric255
19Low Stock ThresholdSpecified low stock threshold limit for any Location. Once the threshold is reached, an email alert will be sent out.NumericUnlimited
20Monthly RateThe fixed rental rate charged per month.NumericUnlimited
21NameSpecified name for the Asset Stock.Alphanumeric255
22Per Minute RateThe fixed rental rate charged per minute.NumericUnlimited
23Price for Add StockThe amount of money spent to purchase one unit of Asset Stock.NumericUnlimited
24Product Model NumberAn Asset Stock’s model number, specified by the manufacturer.Alphanumeric255
25Reorder QuantityThe quantity to be placed on a new Purchase Order for the particular Asset Stock.NumericUnlimited
26Restrict Document Access to AdminsThe option to make the uploaded Documents accessible only to Admins.Yes/NoN/A
27RetireThe option to classify Asset Stock as retired. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Asset Stock at the time of import.Yes/NoN/A
28Retire CommentsComments for retiring an Asset Stock, e.g. detailed reasons or similar concerns.AlphanumericUnlimited
29Reason For RetiringReason for retiring an Asset Stock from a list of predefined options.Multiple choiceN/A
30Retired OnThe date on which the Asset Stock was retired.MM/DD/YYN/A
31Sale PriceThe price at which one unit of Asset Stock is to be sold.NumericUnlimited
32SubgroupA smaller set of similar items within a Group.Alphanumeric255
33Tax FreeThe option to exempt tax collection while renting out Asset Stock. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Asset Stock at the time of import.Yes/NoN/A
34Total Stock CostThe cumulative cost of an asset stock item for a particular location. It can be calculated by the formula: The total amount of Asset stock = Price of Asset Stock per unit x No. of Asset Stock Units.NumericUnlimited
35VendorThe individual or company that you purchased the Asset Stock from.Alphanumeric255
36Weekly RateThe fixed rental rate charged per week.NumericUnlimited

3. Inventory

Consumable items that are sold go into Inventory. Inventory items aren’t meant to be returned once they leave the system, so you don’t have to worry about tracking them. For example, water bottles and batteries fall under the Inventory category.

Field Name
Data FormatChar Limit
Asset Identification NumberA unique identifier for a particular Inventory item, as assigned by the User. It can also be printed and scanned as part of a barcode.Alphanumeric255
Default Location NameThe name of the place where the Inventory exists at the time of creation.Alphanumeric255
Default Location #A system-generated identifier for each Location.NumericUnlimited
DescriptionAny relevant information to elaborate on the Inventory.AlphanumericUnlimited
Display Picture URLThe option to add Inventory images with the help of a media file URL (e.g. OneDrive or Dropbox). The URL should be ‘https’ protocol.AlphanumericUnlimited
Document AttachmentsAny relevant documents associated with the Inventory.N/AN/A
GroupA collection of Items with similar characteristics.Alphanumeric255
DropboxThe option to hide a particular Inventory from being displayed on the Webstore. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Inventory that is to be hidden.Yes/NoN/A
Inventory #A system-generated identifier for each Location.NumericUnlimited
Initial Stock QuantityThe quantity available when the Inventory is created.NumericUnlimited
Location Based ThresholdSpecified low stock threshold limit for the particular Location. Once the threshold is reached, an email alert will be sent out.NumericUnlimited
Location Identification NumberA unique identifier for a particular Location, as assigned by the User. It can also be printed and scanned as part of a barcode.Alphanumeric255
Low Stock ThresholdSpecified low stock threshold limit for any Location. Once the threshold is reached, an email alert will be sent out.NumericUnlimited
NameSpecified name for the Inventory.Alphanumeric255
Price for Add StockThe amount of money spent to purchase one new unit of Inventory.NumericUnlimited
Product Model NumberAn Inventory item’s model number, specified by the manufacturer.Alphanumeric255
Reorder QuantityThe quantity to be placed on a new Purchase Order for the particular Inventory item.NumericUnlimited
Restrict Document Access to AdminsThe option to make the uploaded Documents accessible only to Admins.Yes/NoN/A
RetireThe option to classify Inventory as retired. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Inventory at the time of import.Yes/NoN/A
Retire CommentsComments for retiring an Inventory item, e.g. detailed reasons or similar concerns.AlphanumericUnlimited
Reason For RetiringReason for retiring an Inventory item from a list of predefined options.Multiple ChoiceN/A
Retired OnThe date on which the Inventory was retired.MM/DD/YYN/A
Sale PriceThe price at which one unit of Inventory is to be sold or consumed.NumericUnlimited
SubgroupA smaller set of similar items within a Group.Alphanumeric255
Tax FreeThe option to exempt tax collection while renting out Inventory. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Inventory at the time of import.Yes/NoN/A
VendorThe individual or company that you purchased the Inventory from.Alphanumeric255

4. Vendors

You can add all vendors that are a part of your supply chain to the system to automate the procurement process.

Field Name
Data Format Char Limit
Name Specified name for the Vendor (usually the company name). Alphanumeric 255
Description Any relevant information to elaborate on the Vendor. Alphanumeric Unlimited
Website The URL of the Vendor’s website. Alphanumeric Unlimited
Address The particulars of the Vendor’s physical store or office. Alphanumeric Unlimited
Fax The number of the Vendor’s fax machine. Alphanumeric Unlimited
Email The Vendor’s business email address. Alphanumeric 255
Contact Person Name Name of your person of contact for business dealings at the Vendor’s business. Alphabet values 255
Phone The Vendor or contact person’s telephone number. Numeric Unlimited

5. Locations

Keep your location’s directory online by adding Locations on to your EZRentOut account. You can also add different types of locations, such as the Order Location, the Pick Up Location, and the Shipping Location.

Field Name
Data FormatChar Limit
NameSpecified name for the Location.Alphanumeric255
DescriptionAny relevant information to elaborate on the Location.AlphanumericUnlimited
Street 1Primary information of the address, such as the street number.Alphanumeric1000
Street 2Secondary information of the address, such as apartment number.Alphanumeric1000
CityThe city where the Location exists.Alphabet valuesUnlimited
CountryThe country where the Location exists.Alphabet valuesUnlimited
StateThe state where the Location exists.Alphabet valuesUnlimited
Zip CodeThe area postal code of where the Location exists. Consisting of five or nine digits.NumericUnlimited
LongitudeSpecifying a Location with longitude degree measurements, e.g. 30°E. Note that you have to enter the coordinates in terms of East measurements since the system does not allow for West measurements to be mapped.AlphanumericUnlimited
LatitudeSpecifying a Location with latitude degree measurements, e.g. 15°N. Note that you have to enter the coordinates in terms of North measurements since the system does not allow for South measurements to be mapped.AlphanumericUnlimited
Identification NumberA unique identifier for a particular Location. It can also be printed and scanned as part of a barcode.Alphanumeric255
Nest Location UnderThe option to define a Location as the Parent Path and later nest locations under this path.AlphanumericN/A
Location PathThe option to map trails or streets that lead to a certain Parent Location.AlphanumericN/A
Hidden on WebstoreThe option to hide a particular Location from being displayed on the Webstore. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Locations that are to be hidden.Yes/NoN/A

6. Customers

The Customers module is further divided into two, Customers and Businesses. This helps you keep track of your individual customers, as well as all the customers associated with a particular business.

a) Customers

Field Name
Data FormatChar Limit
Address NameSpecified name for the Customer’s address.Alphanumeric255
Address Line 1Primary information of the address, such as the street number.Alphanumeric1000
Address Line 2Secondary information of the address, such as apartment number.Alphanumeric1000
Business/AccountChoose from a dropdown menu what Business the Customer is associated with. You can also add a new business.Alphanumeric255
CategoryChoose from a dropdown menu what type the Customer falls into based on their dealings with you: Good, Neutral or Bad. You can also add a new category.Alphanumeric30
CityThe city where the Customer resides.Alphabet valuesUnlimited
Collect TaxThe option to collect tax from the Customer. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Customer.Yes/NoN/A
CountryThe country where the Customer resides.Alphabet ValuesUnlimited
Customer Identification NumberUnique identifier for a particular Customer, as assigned by the User.Alphanumeric255
Deactivated (Yes/No)The option to specify whether the Customer is currently active or inactive. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Customer if they are deactivated.Yes/NoN/A
DepartmentThe division in which the Customer works within a business.AlphanumericUnlimited
DescriptionAny relevant information to elaborate about the Customer.AlphanumericUnlimited
Email AddressThe Customer’s email address.Alphanumeric255
Email Subscription (Yes/No)The option to specify whether the Customer will receive email alerts or not. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Customer.Yes/NoN/A
FaxThe number of the Customer’s fax machine.AlphanumericUnlimited
First Name(Yes/No)The Customer’s personal name.AlphanumericUnlimited
Last NameThe Customer’s surname.AlphanumericUnlimited
Login Enabled (Yes/No)The option to specify whether to give the Customer the ability to login to the system. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Customer if login is enabled.Yes/NoN/A
Payment TermDefine the conditions under which a sale will be completed. Typically, these terms specify the period granted to a buyer to pay off the amount due. Choose the relevant payment term from the dropdown menu.AlphanumericUnlimited
Phone NumberThe Customer’s telephone number.NumericUnlimited
Skip Confirmation Email (Yes/No)The option to skip sending an email to the Customer asking them to confirm their account. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Customer to skip sending the email.Yes/NoN/A
StateThe state where the Customer resides.Alphabet ValuesUnlimited
Use Business Address (Yes/No)The option to specify whether to use the Business address for the particular Customer. Specify ‘yes’ in the Excel file against the concerned Customer.Yes/NoN/A
Use it for Billing (Yes/No)The option to specify whether to use the same Business address for the billing address as well for the particular Customer.Yes/NoN/A
Zip CodeThe area postal code of where the Customer resides. Consisting of five or nine digits.NumericUnlimited

b) Businesses

Field Name
Data FormatChar Limit
NameSpecified name for the Business.Alphanumeric255
DescriptionAny relevant information to elaborate on the Business.AlphanumericUnlimited
StatusSpecify whether the Business is currently active or inactive. Specify ‘active’ in the Excel file against the concerned Business if they are currently active.Active/InactiveN/A
IndustryChoose from a dropdown menu what industry category is associated with the Business. You can also add a new industry.AlphanumericUnlimited
Primary Contact EmailThe email address of the primary person of contact for business dealings.AlphanumericUnlimited
EmailThe Business’s email address.Alphanumeric255
Phone NumberThe Business’s phone number.NumericUnlimited
FaxThe number of the Business’s fax machine.AlphanumericUnlimited
Payment TermDefine the conditions under which you will complete a sale. Typically, these terms specify the period granted to a buyer to pay off the amount due. Choose the relevant payment term from the dropdown menu.AlphanumericUnlimited
Address NameSpecified name for the Business’s address.Alphanumeric255
Address Line 1Primary information of the address, such as the street number.Alphanumeric1000
Address Line 2Secondary information of the address, such as apartment number.Alphanumeric1000
CountryThe country where the Business exists in.Alphabet ValuesUnlimited
StateThe state where the Business exists.Alphabet ValuesUnlimited
CityThe city where the Business exists.Alphabet ValuesUnlimited
Zip CodeThe area postal code of where the Business exists. Consisting of five or nine digits.NnumericUnlimited

About EZRentOut

We are a cloud based rental system that offers businesses seamless rental management. It also comes with a host of other features like asset tracking, maintenance management, a customized webstore, and much more.

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