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EZRentOut Blogs Video Camera Rental Software

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Video Camera Rental Software

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video camera rental software

Whether you are renting out your video cameras to a concert or corporate gala event, there’s always a risk involved in them being lost or stolen. As a result, you risk losing a lot of money by renting them out without a proper tracking system in place. With an automated video camera rental software, you can manage all your reservations, contracts and customers from a centralized space. In addition to this, the rental solution unifies your back-office inventory, accounting, and financial management processes and helps streamline your workflows.

Listed below are some of the ways a video camera rental software can help you and your business.

1. Organize tasks using the user-friendly calendar

The quick and convenient calendar layout lets you organize all of your events, rentals and video equipment. The software solution lets you alternate between inventory view (that gives you insights into your inventory) and tasks view (that gives you access your schedule). A quick glance over the calendar layout gives you a clear picture of which cameras are ready to be rented, which ones are already rented out and which ones are scheduled for repair. You can also organize your tasks by teardown time, pickup time, drop off time, start time and end time in any daily, weekly, or monthly calendar view.

Thus a video camera rental software gives you instant visibility into your operations in no time!

2. Equipment repairs and maintenance

Whether your video equipment got damaged on a show and needs to be repaired or it is just a regular maintenance event, your equipment needs to go out for service events. An automated video camera rental software lets you log notes about maintenance, create a repair ticket and mark the items that will be unavailable for a certain time period so that they are not double booked.

Moreover, repair departments can easily know using the dashboard when the next video equipment is needed and estimate repair times to communicate to customers. Technicians can even check out a complete maintenance and repair history of each of your cameras helping you decide whether to repair it again or sell it out.

3. Online reservations

Give your customers the ability to book your video cameras online. This can give you a serious competitive advantage. If someone needs a certain video camera urgently, he can easily book the video equipment he requires and gets it delivered to his doorstep in minimum time. He doesn’t have to go through the hassle of going all the way to your store just to make a booking. With a robust video camera rental software in place, you can also avoid incidents of overbooking any of your products.

Using the software solution, you can set the check-out and check-in dates to make sure none of the video camera gears are double booked. You can also adjust date reservation dates and time for each of your cameras, easily.

Read more: 6 Ways AV Rental Software Can Streamline Your Rental Workflows

4. Provide real-time availability

video camera rental software availability calendar

What if your customers want to know if they can use your video cameras on Friday at 2pm? Your live inventory helps speed up the booking process by allowing your customers to simply tally with your website if their schedule matches your availability. It is actually that simple. Having a live inventory with video camera rental software allows you to see if your video cameras and accessories are available in real time, helping you run your business more efficiently.

Know what you have at all times

Furthermore, real-time inventory control saves you from sitting on slow-selling items and helps you better manage your inventory levels and costs. You can easily check the quantity available at any hour of the day and communicate with your customers regarding product availability.

5. Reporting capabilities

video camera rental software reporting

The rental business environment is continuously changing. This can have an impact on your current operations. Video camera rental software reporting capabilities offer you the ‘what-if’ model that helps your rental company predict future needs and budgeting requirements. You can easily model and evaluate various financial scenarios in order to set targets for your annual operating plan in either a top-down or bottom-up manner. You can then analyze the difference between projected and actual results to better manage your rental business performance.

Use the generated reports to make the right business decisions

Using the reports generated by the software, you can make the right plans and make better decisions for your rental business.

6. Better manage your inventory

Wouldn’t it be great if you know how many video cameras and accessories you are left with and when it is going to be available for the next event you would like to quote or schedule? Automated video camera rental software provides you with a complete set of inventory management capabilities that nourish your company with inventory and reservation management tools. It lets you move video equipment at the right time, to the right place and at the right cost. What’s even better is that you can instantly check inventory availability right from when you have a customer on the phone or when you need to schedule an event.

Moreover, video cameras often come in the form of kits with different cables and accessories. You can group such video equipment into a kit and then conveniently include the kit to an order rather than adding each equipment separately. That is a great time saver when creating orders.


Never miss out on upsell opportunities with video camera rental software solution. Upselling is not a new business tactic. It is actually practiced by different industries including airlines and hotels. It is just another way to help a rental business earn extra income. Using the software solution, you can relate products to each other. For instance, a particular type of tripod stand may be a related accessory for a certain video camera. The related products are suggested to the user when the products are added to an estimate or reservation. This helps you better target your customer needs.

Read more: 5 Reasons Why Your AV Equipment Rental Business Needs To Go Online

Wrap up!

Your video gear is expensive. Let’s face it. Video camera rental software is a great solution for rental companies with a powerful search function that lets you know the current status of all your equipment. With the software solution, you are better able to manage inventory costs and levels which eventually let you improve customer service and meet organizational goals.

Let video camera rental software do all the work for you

Audiovisual rental companies juggle the need for consistency, flexibility, and precision. An innovative video camera rental software with its robust features can be a huge asset to them. You can become more proficient in delivering your AV gear at the right time and place, and in accordance with ever-changing customer needs – all while increasing your profits!

About EZRentOut

We’re EZRentOut, an AV rental software used to manage customers, orders, and payments from one centralized location.

For more assistance, drop us an email at

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