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EZO CMMS Blogs Customize Fields In Ezo Cmms

[How-to] Customize Fields in EZO CMMS 

Custom fields in EZO CMMS

Customizability is one of the supporting pillars of EZO CMMS. To stay in line with the precedent, we have introduced Custom Forms in the app, allowing you to customize item fields. You no longer need to stick with the system-set settings. Instead, you can manage the system fields per your organizational needs to get a tailored view of your item details page.

What actions can you take on the new Custom Forms? You can choose which fields to display for different Items and select the option to make those fields mandatory. 

Benefits of Custom Forms

Here’s how you can make use of Custom Forms for increased customizability:

Enhanced centralized control

You can manage fields for multiple modules from one place. This saves time and reduces the need to go to Company Settings whenever you need to change a field’s settings. 

Unparalleled flexibility

Custom Forms allows you to alter the field settings before and after creating Items. For instance, you should make the AIN field mandatory after you start using barcodes in EZO CMMS. You can do that quickly by simply going to Custom Forms.  

More adaptability to future needs

If required, you can manage all field-related customizations without making constant updates or adjustments across modules. All you need to do is tick mark the mandatory field and choose the module where you want a particular field to appear. Simple, no? 

Let’s walk through the feature in detail to help you use it better:

How to Customize System Fields in EZO CMMS

Here’s the step-by-step guide to understanding how you can customize system fields efficiently in EZO CMMS:

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