Asset Intelligence and Management

Asset Intelligence and Management

EZO CMMS Blogs Planner

[How-to] Assign and Track Work Orders with The Planner in EZO CMMS


The Planner in EZO CMMS is designed to improve efficiency through quick delegation of work. As a calendar for daily and weekly activities, the Planner aims to improve coordination between teams. With the help of the Planner, Work Supervisors can easily plan and schedule work orders by looking at the availability of technicians.

i. Getting Started with the Planner

Whereas, technicians can also view their schedules in the planner, which helps them get organized and informed about work. 

Both Work Supervisors and Technicians have their customized planners. The Work Supervisor will have access to view and assign unplanned Work Orders to expedite projects all at one place. Let’s look at how to use the Planner to make your maintenance Work Orders:

From the main Navigation Menu go to ‘Planner’. Here is what you will see:

At the very top corner, you can filter out what you want to see in your Planner. You can either select the Daily or Weekly View as per your work requirements and filter out Work Orders to be displayed according to different states as shown below:

As a Work Supervisor you can select the Members you want to view the Planner for. Go to the Individuals dropdown and select the relevant Member:

Note: As a technician you will only be able to see your own Planner. 

For each Member, a maximum of three Work Orders is displayed against their name. In order to view the full list, click on View More 

To see what your Members are working on, you can click on Work Orders assigned to each individual member and see its progress. With the Quick View Pane functionality, you can see a pop displaying Work Order details in the same window without opening a new tab. You will be able to see associated costs, how much work is completed, and the Assets involved:

From here you can take two actions for a Work Order in progress: Edit and Complete Work Order. You will be able to add the Due date, and a secondary assignee if you choose to edit a Work Order:

On the Right side, you will be able to see all unplanned Work Orders: 

Click on the relevant Work Order to Edit, Start or Complete it. You can add a primary assignee and secondary assignee for each of these unplanned Work Orders to accelerate and track progress. Secondary assignees are essential for Work Orders taken up by teams and help accelerate progress. 

ii. Exporting Jobs Report

Data analysis makes it possible for you to understand your work orders even better and take actions to ensure they are completed on time. With our Jobs Report feature, you can now get a holistic view of your work orders and quickly print a copy of them. 

For example, as a supervisor, you want to discuss daily jobs or work orders with your team of technicians face-to-face to delegate work and get quick feedback or email status of the current work orders to different stakeholders. Jobs Report will generate a report for you of the current work orders, and allow you to download a copy of that report. 

To export a Jobs Report, Go to Planner → Jobs Report. You will find the Jobs Report tab in line with the Planner title. 

When you click on the Jobs Report tab, you will be taken to the following page from where you can export the report. 

You can choose to download the report in CSV, PDF and XLS file types.  All work orders that are in ‘Open’, ‘In Progress’, and ‘Not started’ states will appear on the report.

Here’s a sample of a report:

iii. Customizing Jobs Report

You can easily customize the Jobs Report using the custom reports workflow. For example, if you wish to add Work Orders- Total Cost to the report, you can do that by adding more columns using the custom report feature and customizing it. 

Here’s a guide to creating Custom Report that can be specified to Work Orders.  

iv. Drag-and-Drop Work Orders

The drag-and-drop feature allows work supervisors to assign work orders to technicians by simply dragging and dropping them onto the calendar and work queue. Work supervisors can schedule work orders for past, current, and future dates. This way the process of scheduling and assigning work orders is streamlined, saving time and effort, and making maintenance operations more efficient. By dragging and dropping work orders, you can assign a technician maintenance work based on their calendar and work queues which helps ensure that they are never assigned work orders above their capacity

i) Planner

To drag and drop in your Planner, simply Go to Planner → Unplanned Work Orders → Drag and Drop the Work Order onto the Calendar. The following video shows the defined process: 

You can view the assigned Work Order on the calendar and the Work Order will disappear from the Unplanned Work Orders queue.

To delete a dropped Work Order, click on the ‘x’ sign next to the Work Order name as shown below. 

ii) Work Queue

You can drag and drop Work Orders onto your work queue by clicking on Work Queue → Unplanned Work Orders → Drag and Drop the Work Order onto the Work Queue. The following video shows the process: 

Once you drag and drop the Work Order, it can be seen in the Work Order cell under the assignee’s name. If you want to remove the dropped Work Order, you can click on the ‘x’ sign on the top right corner of the Work Order tile as shown. When you hover over the Work Order tile, you will be able to see the Primary and Secondary assignees’ names and the Expected Start and End Dates. You can also see the total number of Work Orders in the assignee’s queue right next to their names. 

For both Planner and Work Queue, once you drop a Work Order and assign it to a technician, you will get the following confirmation saying ‘Work Order has been updated’ on the bottom left of your screen. 


EZO CMMS is the next generation maintenance management software. It does more than just simple maintenance, it empowers your teams with a central command center to assign and complete work orders to achieve optimal productivity. We offer a free 15-day trial – no credit card required!

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