Asset Intelligence and Management

Asset Intelligence, Reimagined

EZOfficeInventory Blogs Alert Holding

[How-to] Manage Alerts in EZOfficeInventory


Information overload via mass alerts can slow down productivity as employees take time to filter through these emails. In EZOfficeInventory, there are two ways to reduce the frequency of emails and make them more targeted: Smart Alerts and Alert Holding. Using these features you can send alerts more intelligently to specific users based on your selection. 

Both of these capabilities help improve the response time by ensuring that users get only the important and relevant emails. This also prevents mailbox cluttering. 

Benefits of Smart Alerts and Alert Holding 

Here are some use cases for both the features:

1. Onboarding to EZOfficeInventory

During the onboarding process, a lot of new members and assets are added to EZOfficeInventory. In such situations, Admins want to avoid sending out multiple test emails to their employees. Enabling Alert Holding will put all email notifications on pause for the specified time period. 

2. Setting up roles and assignments

When Custom Roles are created, a lot of emails can be triggered as part of the testing process. To eliminate unnecessary notifications, Admins can enable Alert Holding until the role and assignment are finalized. Alert Holding can be disabled after the role is completely set up and ready to receive the required notifications.  

3. Adding users from an Active Directory

When setting up user provisioning in an Active Directory, users are usually assigned some role. Due to this, users might get emails for the setting up process, that you may not not want them to get. Admins can set up Alert Holding to avoid notifications until everything is set up. 

4. Increased critical targeting

With Smart Alerts, its the user’s discretion to enable certain type of alerts to prevent receiving excessive number of emails. Users can pick and choose the modules for which they wish to receive notifications. This way, they can differentiate between critical and non-critical emails, and promptly respond to urgent matters. 

Let’s get started with understanding how to leverage each feature. 

1. Enabling Alert Holding 

Go to Settings &  Add Ons → Alert holding and select Enable. Once you do this, you will be able to enter Holding Hour duration and Filtered Roles as shown below:

The emails being sent to users with the “selected” roles from the Filtered Roles dropdown will be kept on hold. In this case, only emails being sent to User(s) with an Admin role will be blocked.

Now we can check whether Admin roles are receiving alert emails. Go to the Asset details page and checkout an Asset to an Admin. 

Go to the top navigation bar to see your On Hold Alerts. 

This will redirect you to the Alerts Hold On Listing page where you can view all blocked emails.

You can also view the on hold email by clicking the view button on the right side of the column. 

For all the on hold email alerts, you can take mass actions to either send out the emails or discard them. Select the email alert, go to the Actions tab and select the required action:

2. Setting up Smart Alerts 

EZOfficeInventory now enables users to select the mode of transmission for each alert with the option to receive them as Daily Digest (a summary of all the actions that involve you) and/or specific email alerts. With this customization, users have the liberty to specify the mode of each alert while not feeling overwhelmed by excessive emails. 

Simply, go to ‘My Alerts’ and scroll down to the module for which you need to enable alerts. Tick mark your desired mode of email alerts: ‘Daily Digest’, ‘Email’ or both. 

Based on your selection, you will receive alerts as part of your Daily Digest emails and/or as a separate email as soon as the action is conducted. 

Note: Smart Alerts are available for ‘My Alerts’, ‘Staff Alerts’ and ‘Custom Role Alerts’. 

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