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Asset Intelligence and Management

Asset Intelligence, Reimagined

Asset Labels for Tracking Inventory


Asset Labels are a key aspect of inventory management. When creating asset labels a few things you need to look out for include:

  1. Size – A label needs to be just large enough to be easily identified. Too big and it becomes an eye sore, too small and its utility diminishes
  2. Quality – We recommend doing a trial run with Avery Labels. We have quiet a few templates for them, just email us at info@ezofficeinventory.com. Once you’ve tried out the labels on assets, then its time to go commercial with durable ones. We can coordinate with your vendor if needed
  3. Information – At a minimum have a QRCode in there. That way, you can scan and have up to date information show up on your smartphone. But you’d probably like to add a few more words in there, like ‘property of …’, and possibly some asset identification number to help with manual look ups just in case you don’t have your smartphone handy to scan the QRCode

We provide a feature rich template engine for designing the labels so your labels come out looking professional. Its a drag and drop tool from where you can drag any of the assets attribute and drop it into the canvas. Additionally double clicking any of the text widgets gives configuration options like its font size, orientation and alignments. You can also use the Text Box widget to write standard text across all asset labels.

And check out the scan report to see who and where an asset label has been scanned, we have markers on an interactive map to help identify the locations!

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