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Essential Steps To Becoming An Effective Office Manager


Office managers far and wide are expected to keep the office running as smoothly as possible at all times. Having team members with different personalities, various pieces of software and office equipment, and thousands of other distractions throughout the day, it’s often tricky to successfully manage an office and keep it running efficiently on all cylinders.

Today’s technology definitely helps with certain aspects of the office management process. Using a free Excel time card calculator definitely helps with payroll and QuickBooks and its equivalent is certainly valuable for accounting. But there’s more to running an office besides having the latest and greatest versions of an effective software.

With that in mind, we’d like to share some essential steps we feel need to be taken in order to manage an office effectively. If you’re willing to take those steps, you should have no trouble creating a work environment similar to a ship sailing on calm waters. These will help you become an effective office manager:

Step #1: Learn effective communication skills

Your staff is going to have a difficult time following your directions if they aren’t properly communicated. So, it’s up to you to take it upon yourself to sharpen your communication skills.

By focusing on effective communication, you’ll tackle a critical aspect of your job as you step into your management role and take on all the responsibilities that it entails. As a manager, it’s up to you to lead meetings, speak at company functions, and represent the company to the best of your ability. That’s why it’s essential to polish your ability to speak in public, which will also help you become a more effective communicator with the people in your office.

Practice public speaking at every opportunity. Sign up for speaking engagements or become a member of Toastmasters to improve your skills. After a while, you’ll feel very comfortable speaking in public and before long you’ll be able to clearly and effectively communicate your messages to large groups of people with confidence, clarity, and complete self-assurance.

Step #2: Learn how to think with innovation in mind

effective office manager learning

The most effective office managers are also innovators. They hone their critical thinking skills and use this to come up with innovative ideas and solutions to solve complicated problems.

Every manager is going to face difficult situations from time to time. These challenges are going to cause lots of stress and anxiety in your office, so it’s up to you to come up with ways to handle these untoward situations. The best way to do so is to improve your innovative thinking skills.

How do you become an innovative thinker? Well, get into the minds of top innovators. If you have a chance to meet with them in person and spend time with innovative people, then you should absolutely jump on this opportunity. If not, you can start reading newsletters, books, articles, listen to podcasts, and watch videos from pioneering individuals.

By exposing yourself to these new ideas, you’ll begin to think the way they think and ideas and innovative concepts will begin flowing to you more naturally. This positive impact will help you solve difficult problems at work with groundbreaking solutions.

Step #3: Continue developing as a professional

The best and brightest in the world never stop learning. They make time to read every day and expand their knowledge. Some areas to focus on include:

  • Learning about the latest technology that can help improve your overall office environment
  • Read personal development books and success stories to help inspire you to continue to achieve greatness
  • Spend time with the higher-ups in your company so you can regularly pick their brains

By focusing on these areas, you’ll not only develop as a professional, but you’ll also develop as a human being. You’ll be in a state of continuous learning, where you’re acquiring new skills, discovering the latest technology – all while learning from the best your company has to offer which will ultimately lead to bigger promotions, more money, and a fantastic career.

Final thoughts on becoming an effective office manager

Becoming an effective office manager is essential to your success. Really think about the suggestions we’ve shared today and figure out ways to incorporate them into your life at work and at home. If you do, you’ll become a much more successful and effective office manager in no time at all.

This post was contributed by Wendy Dessler. Wendy works in Blogger Outreach at www.outreachmama.com

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