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EZOfficeInventory Blogs July 2018 Feature Release Notes

EZOfficeInventory July 2018 Release Notes


This July, we bring you exciting breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence, as well as heavily requested upgrades to our existing features. Here’s what we’ve got in store for you.

Item Recommendation for Carts (Beta)

This feature makes use of artificial intelligence to optimize user experience and highlight gaps in your equipment needs. Missing assets and inventory will be identified and recommended to users when they add an item to a cart.

Show Availability of Overdue Items

With this setting in EZOfficeInventory, Overdue Items are treated as ‘Available’ by the system. This means you will be able to add them to a cart if you’ve checked the option for available assets, even though they are yet to be returned.

Setting Character Limits on the Listing Page

You can now truncate the length of columns by customizing their character limit. This will enable users to better organize data on listing pages, and help them view what’s important.

Item Verification by Scanning (Mobile App)

Just like with our web app, you can now verify items by scanning them on our mobile app too. This is helpful in scenarios where you want to account for items to and from another location or job-site.

Make Carts Mandatory

If your workflow dictates that you use Carts all the time, you can make them mandatory for actions such as check-ins, checkouts, reservations, and reservation requests. This can be done for Staff Users, Administrators, and Supervisors, or both.

‘View-Only’ Drafted Carts for Admins

Visibility for Admins has been enhanced so that they can now view Drafted Carts created by Staff Users. Please note that no actions can be taken by Admins on these Carts.

Zendesk Improvements

Keeping track of your assets doesn’t have to be a logistical nightmare. You can now search for assets within Zendesk based on different properties. These include location, group, custodian name, or email address.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us a support@ezo.io

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