EZOfficeInventory is now EZO. Discover the reasons behind the rebrand and what it entails here
Asset Intelligence and Management

Asset Intelligence, Reimagined

EZOfficeInventory Blogs Powered New Features Launched

Powerful new features launched


Well folks, we did it again! You asked for it and we made it happen. We are proud to have released a truly rich and power-packed update that includes some of the most frequently requested and innovative features. You can now:

  • Customize asset listing views
  • Streamline check-in/checkouts by scanning employee ID cards on mobile
  • Manage assets and inventory through clean, separated views
  • Enable/disable the Inventory module as per business needs
  • Efficiently maintain and service assets with the new Servicing module
  • Support richer workflows for asset retirement scenarios
  • Use Packages to save time and effort with vastly enhanced functionality
  • Create awesome labels with the improved Label Designer

Let’s dive deeper into the features.

Define what you want to see

Save a view of your choice for Asset or Inventory listing from top right corner of the listing table. You can choose up to 10 columns in the listing, specify the sorting column and order the results. Better still, the thumbnail listing view may also be similarly customized to display the data fields that you most care about.

Timely servicing with more historical insight


Timely asset maintenance saves time & money and increases operational efficiency of your organization. The new enhanced service module allows you to better track assets when the become temporarily unavailable during maintenance. We have included rich features such as detailed history logs, more comprehensive workflows and insightful reports. We can help improve business processes and minimize potential disruption caused by asset breakdown and maintenance.

Scan Employee Cards to Checkout Assets


Ever wondered if it were possible to quickly checkout an asset to a member without ever firing up the browser on your laptop? We make this scenario possible, in fact we go a step further and make it super easy. Launch the EZOfficeInventory mobile app on your favorite device and scan the asset, scan the member/employee’s bar code and viola, you are done! Furthermore, scanning the physical ID allows you to make sure all checkout and check-ins are to the person intended.

A Supercharged Inventory Module & intuitive Asset/Inventory separation


The inventory module has been beefed up and is now a feature rich module that provides complete workflows for Inventory items.We separated the Inventory and Asset views to make the user experience more fluid and the the workflows more intuitive.

Furthermore, there are significant improvements to the inventory module, including the ability to reserve inventory stock quantity, granular threshold alerts, print multiple labels in a go, or even disable the inventory module.

Reserve with more clarity


We have added the ability to reserve assets as well as inventory items for a given time period. It is now possible to effectively ‘lock out’ the asset against further reservations or checkouts during that particular time period. The user experience has been improved and useful actions have been added on checkout. Special workflows have been added for the administrators to spot and resolve conflicts with other reservations and checkouts.

 Use Packages to track assets which move together


Packages are useful when you are dealing with assets that are always checked-in/checked out together. A number of assets can be clamped together to create a package. Actions such as check-in/out, reserve and service etc. can then be performed directly on the package instead of the constituent assets. The new module gives you an altogether fresh experience geared towards increasing efficiency and supporting varied business scenarios.

And More…

To design labels quickly, the canvas is now already populated with a few elements for you to play around and quickly adjust them to your requirements. It’ll save you time and effort since you wont need to start from scratch.

For retired assets, you can add more detail and track as to why a particular asset was retired. This will also give you a history of the lost items. This will provide valuable historical insights into what, how and why of the retired assets.

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