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EZOfficeInventory Blogs May 2021 Release Notes

EZOfficeInventory Feature Release Notes May 2021


EZOfficeInventory’s May 2021  Release Notes are packed with exciting  new feature updates. We have introduced a major feature to track Work Order costs and in another important update, you now  have the ability to generate customized, company relevant labels for Carts and Work Orders.

For seamless inventory management, try the new feature that allows you to  request feedback on Purchase Orders. Read the complete May 2021 Release Notes to learn more:

1. Projects View

Gain visibility into all the resources being used for different projects across the organization. Enable Projects View and get a consolidated view of all resources such as items, procurement and maintenance associated with a certain project. 

2. Tracking Work Orders Costs  

Run multiple types of Work Orders efficiently by tracking their costs from a centralized platform.  Choose from several cost types for both maintenance and general Work Orders. Record service costs and log labor hours to accurately estimate Work Order expenses. 

3. Purchase Order Feedback System

Create streamlined Purchase Orders with the new feedback feature. Admins can now request a Purchase Request revision by adding comments. An alert is sent to Staff members every time a revision is requested so they can get the Purchase Request approved in a timely manner. 

4. Auto Generated AINs 

Streamline asset tracking with auto generated Asset Identification Numbers (AINs). Simply set the AIN prefix and number of digits for your desired label. Customized AIN’s make it easier to adapt to different business needs and workflows. 

5. Search on Listing Pages 

Enable seamless workflows by directly searching for an Asset/Inventory/Asset Stock on the Listings page. With the new search bar, you can find any item and apply filters on the search at the same time. 

6.Custom Labels for Carts and Work Orders 

Adapt your workflows to the company language. Generate customized labels for Carts and Work Orders to develop a personalized business structure. Company relevant labels help workers improve productivity. 

7. Customized Dashboard Headers 

Arrange all asset KPIs in a seamless manner with the new Dashboard headers. By gathering all relevant metrics under a single heading,  businesses can generate instant access to insightful data.  

That’s all for now folks! For more assistance on our asset management software, reach out to us at support@ezofficeinventory.com.

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