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How Can You Use Equipment Tracking Software in the News Media Industry


The news media is one of the widespread industries in the United States. Research shows that national broadcast television news had the highest number of audience in the country with around 46% of the population tuning in. This figure widely contrasts with the 27% audience for the radio news. It was also found out that the respondents relied on various types of sources for news. These included social media, print and online publications. Because people have different preferences, the news media industry has expanded over the years to cater to the larger market.

Due to the ever-changing political scenario, the news media companies are bound to expand in the near future. How well these companies play in the market depends entirely on their business plans to capture the most number of audience. The internal structure of business management plays an important part to determine the capability to grow and adapt. Similarly, for the news media companies, it is imperative that they build effective strategies to deal with the expected expansion in the coming years.

One way to go about this is to invest in high-tech equipment. The next step would be to devise maintenance programs for all business assets. Tools like equipment tracking software let you do exactly this and much more. With the use of this software, you can optimize equipment usage and enable a productive work environment.

Here are some ways you can use equipment tracking software in the news media industry:

Use #1: Enable seamless asset check-ins and checkouts

News media channels involve extensive use of cameras, speakers, mics and miscellaneous other AV equipment. These tools are valuable capital investments and cannot be replaced every now and then. Oftentimes it happens that the news reporters are in a hurry and do not go through the manual asset checkout procedure. An industry where time management is crucial, it becomes mandatory that workers are facilitated in their daily tasks in every way possible.

An online AV equipment tracking tool allows journalists to speed up the process of asset checkouts. But how does this work? With the help of this software, you can label all your equipment with barcodes. These tags can then be scanned in the system, whenever an employee wants to check out or check-in tools. A one-step simple practice not only saves time but enables news reporters to efficiently carry out their work operations.

increase workplace efficiency with equipment tracking software

Easy asset checkouts increase employee productivity and efficiency

Read more: The beginner’s guide to barcode management software

Use #2: Update equipment locations for smooth transits

News channels are not geographically bound and as a media agency, it is your responsibility to cover every critical event. Travelling for work can be tough especially when you have to take all your equipment along. What’s even more tedious, is when you lose tools during such work operations. If your news media company is struggling with asset movements across locations then it’s time to get an equipment tracking software implemented.

Premium features of this software offer to update asset locations. Say, for example, you need a certain camera for your project outside the city. How can you find it without unnecessary inconveniences? You just have to search the system with the required specifications and you’ll find exactly where the camera is located. Same goes for out of station business functions. Employees just have to enter the location at the time of checkout, so equipment can be easily tracked in case of loss or theft. Location management through equipment tracking software streamlines asset movements and reduces the risk of internal fraud.

Read more: Are you tracking these 5 valuable metrics with your equipment tracking tool

Use #3: Create customized labels for streamlined event coverage

Majority of companies have either organized or participated in an event. Similarly, as a news media company, you are likely to cover important political or social media events. While organizing an event of this scale can be quite hefty, but it can get even more challenging if you misplace a single piece of equipment. For instance, your employees have to cover a conference which has to be aired on the evening news. A single mishap like a lost mic can have severe consequences for the whole work operation. You will end up with bad sound quality and your recording won’t be aired. This will make you miss out and fall behind your competitors. So, what exactly can you do to avoid all this?

For starters, you can generate customized labels for your assets with the help of equipment tracking software. But what makes these labels special? These asset labels allow you to store additional information in barcodes, which let you easily locate where equipment is supposed to go. For example, you can record at which hall and booth number, a specific camera has to be placed, during an event. Doing this speeds up management processes and enables you to carry out event operations flawlessly.

Use #4: Ensure upkeep of assets through regular maintenance

When you invest a considerable part of your yearly budget in tools and AV equipment, you expect a substantial rate of return as well. This is only possible when your equipment is utilized at optimal levels and stored in the correct manner. One important aspect of equipment management is consistent maintenance and repair routines. A business like the news media, which is constantly ‘on-the-go’ cannot afford unexpected asset breakdowns. Such instances incur exceptionally high costs and cause unwarranted delays.

To deal with asset malfunctions, intuitive equipment tracking software lets you schedule preventive maintenance sessions. Whether it’s a broken camera lens or a non-operational mic, you can fix all these issues in your service routines. This way you won’t have to worry about equipment breakdowns when you head out to cover your next news event!

preventive maintenance equipment tracking software

Prolong equipment life through regular maintenance sessions

Read more: 5 Benefits of having reliable equipment through equipment maintenance software

Achieve your business goals with equipment tracking software

As a news media industry, you have a large asset base which is used extensively for a variety of work operations. Oftentimes, your employees travel outside the office to cover various events. All these activities require you to be extra cautious about your equipment. You can invest in an equipment tracking software, for effective asset management to boost performance. This software has special features which allow you to utilize your equipment for maximum returns.

When your tools and equipment items are maintained in the correct manner, your business is more likely to attain higher levels of productivity. This has a positive impact on overall business outcome and enables you to meet your yearly targets faster!

Share queries related to equipment tracking software

EZOfficeInventory is an easy-to-use and robust media equipment tracking tool, popular among the news media industry and small news agencies globally for seamless asset management and increased efficiency.

For more assistance, drop us an email at support@ezo.io.

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